Nepal Army Vacancies, Results, and Notices
Welcome to our dedicated page for the latest updates on Nepal Army vacancies, results, notices, and more. Here, you can find essential information for aspiring candidates and current personnel.
- Officer (अधिकृत)
- Officer (अधिकृत)
- JCO/NCOs (पदिक/बिल्लादार)
- JCO/NCOs (पदिक/बिल्लादार)
- Recruit (सैन्य)
- Recruit (सैन्य)
Current Vacancies
Stay informed about the latest job openings within the Nepal Army. We regularly update this section with details on various positions, eligibility criteria, application procedures, and deadlines. Make sure to check back frequently to not miss any opportunities!
The results for Nepal Army recruitment examinations and selections are published here. We provide timely updates on successful candidates, examination scores, and further instructions for those who have participated in the recruitment process.
Keep yourself updated with important notices and announcements from the Nepal Army. This section includes information on training schedules, orientation programs, and any changes in recruitment processes.