Operation Thunderbolt

Operation Entebbe, also known as Operation Thunderbolt, was a military rescue mission carried out by the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) on 3rd July 1976. The operation aimed to rescue Israeli hostages held at Entebbe Airport in Uganda after they were hijacked aboard an Air France plane by Palestinian and German Terrorists. 

Under the leadership of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Defence Minister Shimon Peres, Israeli commandos flew over 4000 Km to Entebbe and conducted a surprise Assault on the airport terminal, freed more than 100 hostages, and neutralized the terrorists. The operation showed Israel's promise to protect its people and combat terrorism beyond its borders, marking a significant moment in history. **अपरेशन थन्डरबोल्ट** र **अपरेशन जोनाथन** एउटै सैनिक अपरेशनलाई जनाउँछन्। १९७६ मा इजरायली रक्षा बल (IDF) द्वारा युगान्डाको एन्तेब्बे विमानस्थलमा अपहरण गरिएको एयर फ्रान्स विमानका यात्रुहरूलाई उद्धार गर्न गरिएको यो एक आतंकवाद विरोधी अभियान थियो। सुरुमा यो अपरेशनलाई "अपरेशन थन्डरबोल्ट" भनेर चिनिन्थ्यो। तर सफल उद्धार मिशनपछि, यो अपरेशन कमाण्डर **योनाटन "योनी" नेतान्याहू** को सम्मानमा "अपरेशन जोनाथन" भनेर नामकरण गरिएको थियो। योनी नेतान्याहू उक्त अपरेशनका क्रममा मृत्यु भएका एकमात्र इजरायली सैनिक थिए।

Operation Thunderbolt

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